How to Write an Awesome Blog

Hello there, everyone! Today we have a guest blogger – Priscilla Chew, who is a communications specialist and lifestyle blogger. I’m very pleased to have her here, and I hope you are, too! If you like her post and want to see more, then go ahead and visit:



Perhaps you are keen to start a blog, but you are not sure of how to go about writing it. Or maybe you’ve have been blogging for some time now, but still feel as though you could do with some advice on how to go about it.

Fret not. Read on for some useful tips on blogging.

Have a Great Title –

With the use of a great title you will be able to attract more readers, so make sure that this is short and snappy – and not too long. The first thing that readers see is the title, so this is a perfect window of opportunity to lure them and get them into reading your post.

Create a Good Lead –

The first paragraph is very important. It should hook your readers and a good lead is like a fishing rod – it will reel them in. It can be the difference to your readers bouncing off the page or staying on it.

 A good lead starts with an interesting focus, and it is well-written, but not lengthy. It essentially reflects the “heart” of what you are writing in the post.

Focus on the Topic –

Be focused on the subject that you are writing about and do not digress and meander everywhere.

It’s better to stick to a few main points, rather than talk about everything under the sun.

If you start digressing, it will confuse your readers and they may lose their train of thought.

Having a focused approach will add more substance to your post – and you may be better able to deliver more specific content.

Avoid Long Blocks of Text –

It is very tiring and even boring to look at long blocks of text, especially on computers and mobile devices. So it is very important to have subheadings and bullet points. Having shorter paragraphs will also help. A contrast of different size fonts or certain key words will also be useful to break up long blocks of text.

Your readers need to be able to easily see what you have written, so avoid long blocks of words to ensure that important points are not missed out.

Images and photos inserted in strategic spots will be good, too.

Use Simple Language –

When you are writing a blog post, you are not writing an academic essay, so use simple language targeted at your readers.

You want to ensure that people can understand and digest your blog post, so simple language goes a long way to attracting readers.

Keep long technical terms, phrases and jargon to more formal writing. A successful blog post needs to have connection with the reader, so do not turn him or her off with complicated writing, unless of course you are writing a technical post.

Have Relevant Content –

The post should be about something which is up to date and relevant to your readers. For example, it is better to blog about current topics and trends, such as the Candy Crush Saga, rather than about the original Angry Birds game – which is now less popular.

The post should also be on something that most of your readers can relate to. For example, if most of them are runners, then it is no point blogging about useless apps. In this case, it is better to talk about topics such as useful training tips and what runners should be eating.

End with a Strong Conclusion –

It is a good idea to end a post with what you want the reader to take away with them. To increase sharing or comments, end an article with a call-to-action.

So for your next blog post, do have a great title, a good lead, and be focused on your topic.

Also, finish off with a strong conclusion to increase engagement of the reader.


To find out more about Priscilla and see more of her posts, please visit:

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Posted on September 10, 2013, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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